What are Chakras?

Breath gives life.
Throughout our daily lives, how often do remember this essential component of living?
Do we take for granted this important physiological component?
What if we gave respect to this process by being constantly aware and conscious?
The answer is, our lives would be transformed into a powerful, dynamic, and receptive experience.
Why be aware of our breath?

Embody your presence and innate joy through breath. Cycle the ins and outs of life with strength and resolve with the power of breathing.
Breathing is fundamental in meditation. The majority of beginning practices all start with breathing exercises to gently attune the mind to concentration and quietness.
The human mind concentrates on one thing at a time. Our mind can be thinking or it can be concentrating on breathing. Simple enough?
Try it yourself. Wherever you are right now, see how long you can focus on your inhalation and exhalation before a thought arises. 5-10seconds would generally elapse before a person will start thinking and talking to themselves about anything and everything.
By continually practicing, and focusing on our breath, we strengthen our minds one-pointedness and pinpoint the concentration on what we wish to attune it to.
We are however not taming the monkey mind as our servant yet. First, we must recognize the nature of the thinking mind and make friends with it.
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