Sacral Chakra - Swadisthan

Pronounciation: Swa - dis - than
(playback button with correct audio)
Location: Sacram. 3-4 fingers below navel
Colour: Orange
Seed Syllable: Wom
(Playback button with correct audio)
Element: Water
Sacral Chakra
Allow the sacral chakra to open and balance. Inviting into yourself a force that will help direct your life into one of brilliance and vibrancy.
Swadisthan is the 2nd chakra after Muladhar. Once we have a firm relationship with Muladhar and we are grounded and balanced, we can then move into Swadisthan Chakra. Now that the foundation is built, we can start designing and shifting our creative energy into new areas.
It is like this. First we learn to gain control. Once our discipline has been engrained into us as innate ability, we can 'let go' and invite the creative force to guide us into realms of higher possibilities.
The element connected with the Sacral Chakra is water.
Think about water. It has already mastered its form and can travel and bond with anything. It is alive, moving, flowing and embracing.
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